Alright Boys, this one is going to be a snap! I'm telling you what. With the way we performed last war, we should be able to lick this one in the bud early if we are all able to get our attacks in tomorrow night. With that in mind I will "cue the music" AKA: Click here for the glorious tune-age that is about to come your way courtesy of YouTube, and we can get this show on the road.
-Remember to check your corners
-Hit CC troops first!
-Remember that the Barb King/Archer Queen can't be led to a corner to be shot. Their travel space is greatly reduced.
At first glance, I would have to say that drag/archer combo's will probably be the strongest attacks that we can use against these guys for the average player in our clan to use. That's not to say that you have to use drags, just that I recommend it. Frankly, if you get three stars, I don't care if you used all minions... lol
Attacks: Try to get them done as soon as possible. Remember that cleanup, no if's and's or butt's will start at 10 am on Tuesday
Bam Bam will attack 10 and 9
Maleki will attack 8 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Duck will attack 7 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Jake will attack 6 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Spinal will attack 5 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Big daddy will attack 4 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Nathanel will attack 3 and 2
Ed the Great will attack 1 and will cleanup Nathanel's targets if needed. If not, then attack the highest non 3 star with your second attack. Preferably save this one if you are able to Ed so that we can make sure that we can do the most damage possible
**** For those of you who have cleanup for your second attack, only cleanup targets that you know you can 3 star, if you are not sure, pick a different one.
Cleanup Crew
Mike - clean up any of bam bam's scraps then move up the ladder
Elite - clean up anything that is needed 6-8, if those are taken go higher up the ladder
As always, let a leader know when you are attacking, and remember to ask for strategy tips if you want any. We are here to help.
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