OK boys, here is how it is going to go down, at first glance, the other tribe looks like they will be pushovers... and that first glance is spot on! Now that doesnt mean that we can slack off and just wait for this one to end. No, this war will be a perfect opportunity for us to fine tune this machine we call a clan. So without further to do lets get started. ***** CLICK HERE FOR MOOD MUSIC*****
First I will lead off with a picture of the enemy tribe's last few war stats....
General Housekeeping:
-Check those corners, most of us, at one point or another has lost a battle purely based on the time running out before we can clear the base, dropping a few archers in the corners to clear them early on will help keep this from happening by accident.
-Lure and kill CC troops first for those of you who will not be attacking with dragons.
-IF YOU ARE A NEW MEMBER, OR IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN IN A WAR WITH US BEFORE, YOU MUST TALK ABOUT THE STRATEGY FOR HITTING YOUR TARGET(S) WITH A LEADER/CO LEADER BEFORE YOU ATTACK, FAILURE TO DO SO WILL RESULT IN BEING KICKED. This is just so that we can make sure that you are well prepared for your attack. We may have a few pointers to give you. I don't care if the base you are assigned is one that you can take out with your farming army, you need to talk to one of us first. We do not want to waste any attacks that could have gone well, had we planned out what to do beforehand. Its simple, and most times it only takes about 5 minutes.
-If we ask you to make changes to your base layout please do so. If you are super attached to the base you currently have, fine, tell us why and if you are persuasive enough we may have you use it for a war and see what happens. If not, please change the base.
-If you have questions about what units to use in your attacks, please let us know we are here to help. We want you to improve, the clan is only as strong as its weakest member, so lets work together to make sure that we have our bases covered.
Attacks: Try to get these in by Thursday morning 10 am central time
Mini Clanster will attack 30 and 29
Jason will attack 30 and 29 **If your targets are both taken by the time you get on, ask a leader for a new assignment
Zach-The-Boss will attack 30 and 29 **If your targets are both taken by the time you get on, ask a leader for a new assignment
Popcorn will attack 28 and 27 **If your targets are both taken by the time you get on, ask a leader for a new assignment
cBeNNeTT will attack 28 and 27
Music will attack 26 and 25 **If your targets are both taken by the time you get on, ask a leader for a new assignment
Count Chocula will attack 26 and 25
Thebeastaustin will attack 24 and 23 **If your targets are both taken by the time you get on, ask a leader for a new assignment
Boldblade will attack 24 and 23
Jakma will attack 22 and 21
Krackdaddy will attack 20 and 19
Stauby will attack 18 and will attack a non 3 star that he knows he can 3 star for his second attack
Edoccena will attack 17 and 16
Miblacky will attack 15 and he will attack a non 3 star that he knows he can 3 star for his second attack
Spinal will attack 14 and 13
Jared will attack 12 and 11
Kgpat will attack 10 and will 3 star a non three star for his second attack
Big Boy 40 (Hunter) will attack 9 and will 3 star a non three star for his second attack
Jake will attack 8 and will 3 star a non three star
Mike will attack 7 and will 3 star a non 3 star
Big Daddy will attack 5 and 6
Zeke will attack 3 and 4
Ed the Great will annihilate 1 and 2
Cleanup begins at 10 am Thursday, and it is open season, any base's that are not 3 started must be taken out, we are going for a perfect score here people!
Bam Bam - responsible for 30-20
Bigboy - responsible for 30-11
Maleki - responsible for 30-11
Duck - responsible for 30-11
ElitexLags - responsible for 10-1
Nathanael - responsible for 10-1
Kon - responsible for 10-1
If you have any questions about your assignment, please ask. Pictures of enemy bases with trap locations will be up momentarily.
Before I go I wanted to leave you with this tid bit:
This comment was given to us by the top player from the last tribe we played, we beat them 72-71.
"Earn this"
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