
Friday, December 5, 2014

War #32 DE-regulated

Good evening ladies and Gents.  Here we are again, like we are every Friday night, ready to get our War on, so strap in and hold on tight because this one is gonna be a bumpy ride!  ***THIS SONG GOES OUT TO KON***

General Housekeeping:
-Check those corners
-Donations for war CC need to be lvl 5 wiz and lvl 5+ archers to fill, valks for the lower levels, If you do not have those levels of troops, then wait to donate, I don't want to see any barbs, goblins or some such unit placed for kicks and giggles... every troop counts.
-If you are unsure about your attack, ask a leader for help, that is what we are there for.
-And last but not least, remember to get your attacks in before 10 am central on Sunday, it makes life much easier for us if you do so... because trust me, it may seem like we have all the time in the world to hop on and manage things, but contrary to popular belief, we do actually have a life outside of COC lol.


dhdetststdtdfdf--- by the way, I am never typing that out again... from now on, until I find out your real name... I am calling you Heraldo.
So, Heraldo will be attacking 30 and 29

Bring it on will attack 30 and 29

Katniss will attack 30 and 28

Brad will attack 29 and 28

Golden Pants will attack 29 and 28

m1randa will attack 27 and 26 (USE ALL DRAGONS FOR THESE PLEASE MATT)

Fizzypop will attack 25 and will cleanup for his second attack

Goblue will attack 24 and will cleanup for his second attack

Ablacksocrates will attack 24 and 23

Edoccena will attack 22 and 21

Spinal will attack 19 and 20

Sassanech will attack 17 and 18

Stryped will attack 15 and 16

Jakama will attack 13 and 14

Boldblade will attack 9 and 11

Bigdaddy will attack 12 and 10

Mike will attack 7 and 8

Miblacky will attack 5 and 6

Ed the great will attack 4 save your second attack for sunday, ask kon for details

Zeke will attack 3 save your second attack for sunday, ask kon for details

Gene will attack 1 and 2


Bam Bam

Another note: this war will be proof that we need to have versatile attackers.  This means, everyone's goal when they reach th8 needs to be to have golems and pekkas, with lvl 5 wizards as soon as possible.  Lvl 4 hogs would be great, but lets face it, its a lot harder to go from lvl 1 hogs to lvl 4 hogs (90k DE total) than it is to upgrade your dark and regular barracks and your wizards.  We have a lot of th 8s that can attack with dragons, and that is great, but we need to start branching out to other attack strategies.  You guys need to push.  There are a lot of high lvl enemy th8s with lvl 6 ad, some of their placements will make it difficult for a dragon attack to three star no matter who is doing the attacking.  These instances are where a th 8 with just lvl 1 or 2 pekkas would be able to take them out.  THOSE OF YOU WHO HAVE BEEN AT TH 8 FOR MORE THAN 3-4 WEEKS..... I'M TALKING TO YOU!

Last but not least:

Kik a leader if you have questions:
Mike: bossk36
Kon: kkessler3
Boldblade: Boldblade


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