
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

War #8- This one is gonna hurt.

**CUE MOOD MUSIC**  ~As requested... more like begged... by Kon and Duck.

Ok guys, as you can see by the title of this post, this will be one of our more difficult wars.  Let me start by stating the facts:
1.  They have 4 lvl 10 bases(granted they are rushed, but they come with 5 spells, and 20 extra troops over what Ed currently has.  Suffice to say, that is a guaranteed 12 stars in their camp if they all attack)
2.  Their bottom 5 has better bases than our bottom 5 (I'm just stating facts here so don't take offense to this)
3.  We are undefeated, this is good, but bad.  Means we can be complacent and overconfident in our attacks, remember these CC could be stocked with max level troops in every base.

It is at this point in our journey that we need to "sack-up" and prove to ourselves that we have what it takes to be great.  We know how to plan, we know how to execute, and we know how to win.  I'm not going to lie to you, this will be our toughest war to date as a clan.  But if we follow the plan, and help each other we will succeed.

As always general housekeeping:
-Check those corners
-If your plan calls for it, draw out that cc

ATTACKS - I have broken this up into sections.  The first section will be for our lows, second will be mids, third will be our power.

LOWS- theme: BLITZ

Guys, I'm telling you, this video explains it perfectly what I want you to do.  I need all of our lows to attack as much as possible between the hours of 9pm and 11pm central time on Wednesday evening.  THIS MEANS YOU NEED TO ATTACK BETWEEN 9 and 11PM.  It is essential to our plan that this is done. If you are unable to do this, talk to Mike or Kon ASAP so we can come up with some ways to tweak this.

cBeNNeTT44 will attack 20 and 19

Count Chocula will attack 20 and 19

Boldblade will attack 20 and 19

Stauby will attack 20 and 19

Krackdaddy will attack 19 and 18

Bam Bam will attack 19 and 18 - After krackdaddy has made his attacks, if both are 3 stared, we will assign new targets for you

Edoccena226 will attack 17 and 16

Mids- the cut off for this was TH 7's with dragon making abilities (these attacks need to be completed by 10 am central on Thursday

Maleki will attack 15 and 14

Jared will attack 13 and 12

Spinal will attack 11 and 10

Jake will attack 9 and 8

Big daddy will attack 7 and will attack a non 3 star with his second attack

Mike will attack 6 and 5

Nate will attack  4 and will hold with his second attack
Zeke will attack 3 and will back ED up (1 and 2) if he needs it, if not he will hold his second attack
Ed the Great will attack 1 and 2

Cleanup- if you are clean up check with Kon or Mike before attacking.  This is where this war will be won or lost.  REMEMBER, THIS STARTS AT 10AM CENTRAL THURSDAY

Sweet Potato - responsible for 20-16 (do not attack until all of the lows have attacked, or until kon or mike gives the go ahead) cook your drags :-)

Duck - responsible for 20-5, but wait for go ahead
ElitexLags - responsible for 20-5, but wait for go ahead
Kon - responsible for 1-4 or any other non 3 stars

I leave you with this video:

Stay tuned for base pictures, those will be up momentarily.

Friday, July 25, 2014

War #7 - There ain't no rest for the wicked

Giminy Christmas! Is it that time again?  And we're back, after only one day of a break, we are back at it again folks, hopefully your spears didn't get dusty from that 24 hours that they sat in the closet. 

OK, so like Nate, I believe that this will be an easy peasy war... let me say that diffrently, I think that in this war, we should be able to get 45 stars.... after 15 attacks.  That means every one is a 3 star.  Think you guys can handle that?  Alright then, buckle up, because this is about to get a little bumpy.  ***CLICK HERE FOR MOOD MUSIC***

Again, as always, general housekeeping:

- check those corners
-draw out cc troops if you aren't using dragons as your main troop of choice
-ask for help if you want/need it


Boldblade will attack 15 and 14 - make sure you have kon help with stragety for both

Krackdaddy will attack 13 and will clean up any of boldblade's attacks that are not 3 stars

Edoccena will attack 12 and will clean up any attack that is not 3 stared that he knows he can take out

Maleki will attack 11 and 10

Mike will attack 9 and 8

Jake will attack 7 and 6

Big daddy will attack 5 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack

Nathanael will attack 4 and 3

Ed the Great and Zeke will split 1 and 2, first comes first served here fellas.

Cleanup Crew - Starts at 10am Central on Sunday

Bam Bam - focus on 15-13 if there is any trouble there, if those are taken care of, go for loot but ask kon or mike first




Alright guys, good luck and good night!


Tuesday, July 22, 2014

War #6 - No one on the corner has swagger like us.

Welcome, Welcome all, the show is about to start, so if you will grab your seats, lean back, and put away the popcorn... trust me, you don't want greasy fingers when you play this game... we can get this show on the road.  This week I am going to dedicate this jam to my cousin Kurtis, who just joined us, playing under the moniker - boldblade.  ****Click here for mood music****  Btw, I will now be taking theme requests for music, not songs themselves, but era's or genre's as well.

General Housekeeping:

- draw out and clear enemy CC first
- don't forget to check for corners
- don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it

Attacks, remember guys, if you have two specific attacks get them in before Thursday at 10 am central  

Boldblade will attack 15 and 14 - for both of these discuss strategy with kon before you move in to attack

Bam Bam will attack 14 and 13, Bryce, if you can wait till Boldblade attacks 14 before you do, please do so, if not don't worry about it.

Edoccena will attack 12 and 11

Maleki will attack 10 and will attack a non 3 star that he knows he can wipe out for his second attack

Mike will attack 9 and will attack a non 3 star that he knows he can wipe out for his second attack

Jake will attack 8 and 7

Big daddy will attack 6 and will attack a non 3 star that he knows he can wipe out for his second attack

Spinal will attack 5 and will attack a non 3 star that he knows he can wipe out for his second attack

Natanael will attack 4 and 3

Ed the Great, and Zeke will both attack 1 and 2.  May the best man win

Cleanup STARTS AT 10 AM CENTRAL, AKA, don't attack till after 10 am unless expressed consent is given by a leader 

Sweet Potato - clear out 15-13

Duck - whatever you can 3 star that needs it, aim high

Dudebob - whatever you can 3 star that needs it

Kon - whatever you can 3 star that needs it, aim high

A message will be sent out when loot attacks are open

Good luck guys, we got this!


Friday, July 18, 2014

War #5

3.... 2.... 1!   And we're back, my time flies doesn't it, seems like just two days ago we started a war.... wait a second, WE DID!  And we kicked their butt's to boot!  In honor of that, I would like to dedicate this round of mood music to our fearless leader, the one and only Konnor!  (for this batch of music, just click on the link.... That would be here....)

General housekeeping rules:
- Remember, do not attack without a full cc
- Ask a leader to attack first before you go in guns blazing, we may have some extra insight to pass your way before you start
-If you have questions... even if it is like "hey Kon, what's the weather look like in New Zeland today", ask.
-Don't forget about those corners, many people have only gotten 2 stars at 98% because someone put a builder there, and the attacker forgot to check!

*****NEW MEMBERS: ask kon or mike for strategy before attacking your target, we will go over your best options with you, this is not an opportunity for us to show you how smart we are, or how much of a life we don't have, it is to make sure that you are prepared for your attack.  We want you to succeed, that is why we ask these things of you.*****

Attacks:  These need to be completed by 10am central on Sunday so cleanup can begin.

Count Chocula will attack 20 and 19

Geo will also attack 20 and 19 - order doesn't matter here, just attack both targets, but talk to a leader first before you do so we can make sure you have everything you need  --- DUE TO THIS PLAYER LEAVING, Bam Bam will also attack 20 and 19****

Se4n2712 will attack 18 and 17 - if both are 3 stared already, ask a leader for a new target

Stauby will also attack 18 and 17 - if both are 3 stared already, ask a leader for a new target

Edoccena226 will attack 16 and 15

Mike will attack 14 and 13

Jared will attack 12 and 11

Maleki will attack 10 and 9

Jake will attack 8 and will clean up any target from 14-9 that has not been 3 starred

Big daddy will attack 7 and will attack the highest non 3 star that he knows he can take out

Spinal will attack 6 and will attack the highest non 3 star that he knows he can take out

DudeBob will attack 5 and will attack the highest non 3 star that he knows he can take out

***Kon and Zeke will attack 4 and 3, and they will work out who is attacking who***

Ed will attack 2 and will wait on 1, just incase we need him to take a different target


Bam Bam, you need to cover 20 and 19, if those are taken, then ask kon who you need to go after

Sweet potato - you need to cover 18 and 17, if those are taken, hit the highest non 3 star that you know you can clear out

Duck - cover 16-8, but wait till they have been hit once before you go in unless authorized to do so

Elite - same as Duck, cover 16-8, but wait if you can till they have all been hit once before you go in

Spinal - cover 7-5

Nate - do what you do best (cover anything left over that is high lvl and double check with us before you go in

Any questions don't hesitate to contact me or kon on kik

Mike= bossk36
Kon = kkessler3

~ Mike

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

War #4

That's for all you haters out there...  can I just say, it's nice to be from Ohio.


If you would rather a non theme music that is tied to the above picture... *cough* Konnor *Cough* Kessler *COUGH COUGH COUGH*  then you can listen to the following: For those of you who didn't care for the above.

Now that we have that out of the way we can get down to business.  First, I will list off the general do's and don'ts of the clan for you new guys.

1. Listen to leadership, if we tell you to change your base layout, change it.  We have the knowledge to back up our requests, it may not make sense now, but trust us, given time, you will see.  However, we are not infallible, so if we do suggest something that is completely, unbelievably wrong.... then argue with us about it.  Who knows, you may get us to agree with you.... or we will just kick you :-)
2. Be active, this means chat, whenever you are on, join in, get to know us, we want to know you.
3. Get kik - its an app, you can contact myself @ bossk36 or Kon @ kkessler3

General do's and don'ts during war:

-donate only lvl 3 dragons to cc unless specifically otherwise noted by the individual player
-always check for corners
- ask for advice on your attack if you are not sure on what to do with your attack, we will be happy to help


Count Chocula will attack 15 and 14                                                                                                                                                                   Trent will attack 15 and 14                                                                                                                                                                                   Bam Bam will attack 15 and 14                                                                                                                                                                           Edoccena will attack 13 and 12                                                                                                                                                                            Maleki will attack 11 and will clean up the lowest non 3 star after 10 am on friday
Duck will attack 10 and 9

Elite will attack 8 and 7

Spinal will attack 6 and will cleanup any of the lower villages that are not already 3 stared

Nate, Kon, and Zeke will attack 3, 4, and 5 (not necessarily in that order)

Ed will attack 2 and will stand by for further instructions on who to attack next (not sure if we need you to hit 1 or not yet)

Clean Up Crew (starts at 10 am central time friday)                                                                                                                          Big Daddy                                                                                    Jake                                                                                            Sweet Potato (cover 15 and 14 just in case there is trouble there)                                                                                                                                                                                                          Again, if you have questions, ask the leadership, we will be more than happy to help you.                                        


Sunday, July 13, 2014

War #3

Alright Boys, this one is going to be a snap!  I'm telling you what. With the way we performed last war, we should be able to lick this one in the bud early if we are all able to get our attacks in tomorrow night.  With that in mind I will "cue the music" AKA: Click here for the glorious tune-age that is about to come your way courtesy of YouTube, and we can get this show on the road.

Reminders that we don't really need, but I am going to put them here anyway just because:
-Remember to check your corners
-Hit CC troops first!
-Remember that the Barb King/Archer Queen can't be led to a corner to be shot.  Their travel space is greatly reduced.

At first glance, I would have to say that drag/archer combo's will probably be the strongest attacks that we can use against these guys for the average player in our clan to use.  That's not to say that you have to use drags, just that I recommend it.  Frankly, if you get three stars, I don't care if you used all minions...  lol

Attacks: Try to get them done as soon as possible.  Remember that cleanup, no if's and's or butt's will start at 10 am on Tuesday

Bam Bam will attack 10 and 9
Maleki will attack 8 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Duck will attack 7 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Jake will attack 6 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Spinal will attack 5 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Big daddy will attack 4 and will cleanup a non 3 star for his second attack
Nathanel will attack 3 and 2
Ed the Great will attack 1 and will cleanup Nathanel's targets if needed.  If not, then attack the highest non 3 star with your second attack.  Preferably save this one if you are able to Ed so that we can make sure that we can do the most damage possible

**** For those of you who have cleanup for your second attack, only cleanup targets that you know you can 3 star, if you are not sure, pick a different one.

Cleanup Crew

Mike - clean up any of bam bam's scraps then move up the ladder
Elite - clean up anything that is needed 6-8, if those are taken go higher up the ladder

As always, let a leader know when you are attacking, and remember to ask for strategy tips if you want any.  We are here to help.


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

War #2

Ok guys.  Not going to lie to you, this war will be a challenge.  First the facts, they have 2 lvl 9 bases, we have one, they have 1 lvl 7 base, we have 5.... that being said.  It will be an up-hill battle but that does not mean that it will be impossible.  This is doable, we just have to make good attacks, and plan everything to a T.  With that said, lets get started. Click here for MOOD MUSIC

General tools and tips:
- Check your corners
- remember that Barb King/Archer Queen no longer can be drawn out
- take out CC troops first!!!
-Ask for advice on attacks if you are not sure on your target.
-Never...Never, let me say it again, NEVER attack without a full CC


Bam Bam will attack 10 and 9 (I know nine is next to impossible, just give it your best shot, it will be a good one to practice on and see what you can do against unbeatable odds)

Maleki will attack 8 and 7

Jake will attack 6 and will cleanup a non 3 star with his second attack after 10 am the following day (Thursday morning)

Duck will attack 5 and will cleanup a non 3 star with his second attack after 10 am the following day (Thursday morning)

Bigdaddy will attack 4 and will cleanup a non 3 star with his second attack after 10 am the following day (Thursday morning)

Nathanael will attack 3 and will stand by for 4 after big daddy attacks 4 (if big daddy doesn't 3 star 4, go ahead and take care of the cleanup nate)

Ed the Great will attack 2, hold your second attack, i am not sure if we will need you to try one or not yet at this time.

Cleanup  will begin at 10am on thursday unless otherwise noted (AKA, you talk to a leader and are authorized to attack)

Mike (responsible for 7-10

Good luck guys!


Wednesday, July 2, 2014

War #1: A Fresh Start

Ok guys.  This is our first war as a new tribe.  But we are all old hats at this shindig so here we go.  Remember, we can't have a good guide without the appropriate music to back it up, so here you go!

Before the war starts Kon, or I will go through and spot check bases *****(Side note, everyone needs to go to edit base mode on the war side and they need to make sure that all of their defenses are put out)***** and then send a mail stating what, if any bases need changed or updated. Also, remember to check your corners, and lure cc out with your archers.  If you want help with strategy, let one of us know, we will be more than happy to help out.

Those of you who have two specific attacks listed need to get them in before 10 am Friday morning:

Count Chocula:  You will be attacking 15 and 14, (do this as fast as you can.  3 star will be over reaching for both, but we want to get you in quick if we can)

Bam Bam:  You will be attacking 15 and 14 also (I know you can 3 star both of these players.  We will make sure you have a strategy picked out for both of them before you go, ask kon for details)

Mandalore:  You will be attacking 13 and 12

Edoccena226:  You will be attacking 11 and 10

Mike: You will be attacking 9 and will clean up were needed with your second attack (make sure you are authorized before you use your cleanup attack

Maleki: You will be attacking 8 and will clean up where needed with your second attack (make sure you are authorized before you use your cleanup attack)

Jake: You will be attacking 7 and will clean up where needed with your second attack (make sure you are authorized before you use your cleanup attack)

Elite: You will be attacking 5 and will clean up a non 3 star *preferably the highest one that you think you can 3 star

Big Daddy:  You will be attacking 6 and will clean up a non 3 star *preferably the highest one that you think you can 3 star

Nathanel:  You will be attacking 4 and 3

Cleanup Crew:

Sweet Potato:  You will be in charge of clean up for 15-12 (in the event that those are all 3 stared by 10 am on the second day of battle, you will attack the lowest non 3 star, unless we come up with a different idea.

The rest of you will be green lit on Friday at 10 am central time.  Attack only those that you know you can 3 star, and make sure you check with us first.  *** Ed and Kon, since you are the two highest members, we may need you to attack the top players, depending on how the war is going, but we will not know that for sure until the second day.
Ed the Great
