
Friday, September 26, 2014

War #22 - You say Shark Tank...

I say your just a bunch of puppies in shark suits!
Joke's on you fools.... (btw, that is one of my dogs.... my wife likes to dress them up because she doesn't have kids yet).  

The Big Red Button has been pushed... Here we go!  <---- That was your mood music btw

General housekeeping:
-check corners
-lows clear cc troops first
-Those of you who have attacks assigned, hit them during the first day/night, before Sunday if you can, it makes clean up much easier.  If you don't attack it by 10 am Sunday your target is forfeit, and you should prepare to be told to hit something else.
-ask before you start cooking spells if you are using dragons on a Th 8 to make sure you have the right ones being created.

Mini Clanster will attack 20 and 19

Jason will attack 20 and 19

Cheese Foot will attack 19 and 18

Fizzy Pop will attack 18 and 17

cBeNNeTT will attack 16 and 15

Ablacksocraties will attack 14 and will clean up for his second attack

Bam Bam will attack 13 and 12

Jakama will attack 11 and 10

Edoccena will attack 9 and 8

Phil will attack 8 and will clean up for his second attack

Miblacky will attack 7 and 6

Jake will atack 5 and will clean up for his second attack

Bigdaddy will attack 4 and will clean up for his second attack

Zeke will attack 3 and will hold for his second attack

Ed the Great will attack 2 and will hold for his second attack (not sure if we need you or zeke on 1, depends on how your initial attacks go before we figure that out.)

Clean Up
Starts 10am central Sunday

Count Chocula


Friday, September 19, 2014

War #21 You want mint for pillow Jared?

Ok guys this will be a quickie: This is because I love all of you!

General Housekeeping:
-Check corners
-Lows, lure out CC before droping main troops, if you don't get rid of all the enemy CC, you can bet your bottom dollar that you will have a real tough time getting a 3 star.
-Check with a leader before you attack, make sure you have a "winning" stragety
-Leader Kik Addresses:


Mini Clanster will attack 25 and 24

Jason will attack 25 and 24

Fizzy Pop will attack 24 and 23

Cheesefoot will attack 22 and 21

cBeNNeTT will attack 20 and 19

Ablacksocrates will attack 18 and 17

Bam Bam will attack 16 and 15

Bold Blade will attack 14 and 13

Jakama will attack 12 and 11

Phil will attack 12 and 11

Edoccena will attack 10 and 9

Maleki will attack 10 and 9

Duck will attack 8 and will clean up for his second attack

Jared will attack 7 and will cleanup for his second attack

Big Daddy 5 and 4

Jake will attack 6 and will clean up for his second attack

Zeke will attack 3 and will clean up for his second attack

Ed The Great will attack 1 and 2


Count Chocula
Elite Lags


Friday, September 12, 2014

War # 20 Honey... I'm Home!

And we're back for another war people.  Let me just say, those of us who went to the outlet clan, had a great time taking on some lesser tribes (we actually caused one tribe to disband at one point...), but first and foremost, we are happy to be back where we belong.  Now lets get down to buisness.  Cue Mood Music

General Housekeeping:

-Check those corners, and don't forget to take them out asap!
-Lower players need to lure out CC troops before deploying their hogs/balloons
-Before you attack, ask a leader about your strategy (troops you plan to use ect) so that we can give you a few tips.  This war will be a good training war for many of us, I am going to stretch you in terms of the targets you receive.  So be ready for that.  Also, don't be afraid to ask for help in terms of how to attack.  We have had moments in the past where members make their troops and spells, and then ask right before they attack, only to find out that the spells or troops that they made, will not be enough to take out their target.  Lets eliminate this problem by asking first.  Like say several hours before war starts!

Attacks to be completed before 10 am central on Sunday:

Son of war will attack 25 and 24

Mini Clanster will attack 25 and 24

Fizzy Pop will attack 25 and 24

Jason will attack 23 and 22

Cheesefoot will attack 21 and 20

Ablacksocrates will attack 19 and 18

Edoccena will attack 17 and 16

Krackdaddy will attack 15 and will 3 star a non 3 star for his second attack

Jakama will attack 14 (I want you to try 12 even if it is already 3 stared, give it your best shot.)

Bold Blade will attack 13 and 12

Phil will attack 11 and 10

Maleki will attack 9 and 8

Miblacky will attack 7 and will three star a non 3 star for his second attack

Jared will attack 6 and will 3 star a non 3 star for his second attack

Big Daddy will attack 5 and 4

Ed the Great 1 and 2

Nathanael will attack 3 and will hold for his second attack (probably 1 or 2 if Ed can't 3 star)

Cleanup:  Everything is green lit after 10 am central, first come first served. Ask permission before attacking however so that we can make sure that we can use you to your full potential.

Count Chocula

Good luck guys, any questions contact a leader on Kik:
Mike = bossk36
Kon = kkessler3
Duck = duckduckduck333
Boldblade = Boldblade


Friday, September 5, 2014

War # 19.... I must be a Corellian

Ok, so this guide is short and sweet, because I need to get up at 4am central for work tomorrow morning.  So here is some mood music

General Housekeeping:
-lows need to clear CC's before attacking main buildings
-Check those corners
-Everyone needs to discuss strategy before attacking, preferably the day before rather than the min before.
-Ask before you attack, don't just go in guns blazing without telling anyone.


Mini Clanster will attack 25 and 24

Benny will attack 25 and 24

Fizzy Pop will attack 25 and 24

Cheesefoot will attack 25 and 24

Count Chocula will attack 20 and 21

cBeNNeTT will attack 22 and 23

Ablacksocrates will attack 22 and 23

Edoccena will attack 19 and 18

Krackdaddy will attack 17 and 14

Jakama will attack 16 and 12

Bold Blade will attack 15 and will cleanup for his second attack

Bam Bam will attack 13 and will clean up for his second attack

Phil will attack 9 and 10

Maleki will attack 11 and will cleanup for his second attack

Miblacky will attack 6 and 8

Jared will attack 7 and will clean up a second

Bigdaddy will attack 5 and will clean up for his second attack

Shock will attack 2

Zeke will attack 4 and will hold for his second attack

Ed the Great will attack 1 and 3

Y'all know what to do here, just wait till 10 am sunday, and let Kon or Mike assign targets.

Elite Lags

Kik a leader for questions

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

War #18 Newsflash..... Jared hates clan wars that are one-sided...

On another note, they will always be one sided, because if we arn't the underdogs... we will crush them, and where is the fun in that? **********Mood Music**********

General Housekeeping:
-Check the corners
-lows, draw out cc first and kill with lightning, make sure you have all the cc, also time is a factor here so lets try to be quick about this step
-be smart about your attacks, all players using dragons need to talk to a leader before they attack to determine whether they will rage and heal or lighting.  Rule of thumb, th 7 lighting, Th 8 with centralized ad rage and heal (that's not gospel, each base requires special attention, so double check before you go making your spells, we don't want to waste that elixer if we don't have to)
-We will double check base layouts and we may ask some players to make some adjustments, stay tuned for updates on this.

As always, get em in before 10am on Thursday, if you can't let a leader know so we can make adjustments if we need to.

DeLaTorre - will attack 25 and 24

Fizzy Pop will attack 25 and 24

Cheesefoot will attack 25 and 24

cBeNNeTT will attack 25 and 24

Ablacksocrates will attack 25 and 24

Krackdaddy will attack 22 and 23

Bold Blade will attack 20 and 21 (21 is a noteworthy base, look up noteworthy games on youtube, TH 7 and you will see possible trap locations and such for this base if you are unfamiliar with it)

Phil will attack 17 and 19

Ed will attack 16 and 18 - use your drags if they are lvl 2 ed

Maleki will attack 15 and 14

Jared will attack 13 and will cleanup for his second attack

Jake will attack 10 and 11

Big Daddy will attack 12 and 9 (use your gowipe on these bc of lvl 6 ad, unless kon says otherwise)

Spinal will attack 7 and 8

Zeke will attack 6 and will hold for cleanup for his second attack

Kon will attack 5 and will hold for cleanup for his second attack

Ed the Great will attack 4 and will hold for cleanup for his second attack

Nathanael will attack 2 and 3

Sweet Potato will 1 star 1 and will cleanup 25-16 for his second attack

Cleanup officially starts at 10 am central on Thursday morning unless otherwise noted on a case by case basis.

Jakama - responsible for 25-20, move up the ladder if all are 3 stared.

Bam Bam 25-16

Miblacky 25-7

Duck 25-7

Mike 25-7

Elitexlags cleanup 25-7

Good Luck Guys

As always, kik a leader if you have questions or want stragety help:
Kon= kkessler3
Mike= bossk36
Duck= duckduckduck333
Boldblade = boldblade
